Lilycott diaries: Perfect town status and updates!

Hi folks!! How are y’all doing? It´s been sooo long since I´ve writen here, and everytime I play New Leaf and accomplish something I feel like I have to share it with the world haha. So today that´s exactly what I´m doing 🙂

This post might be a little all over the place, and I definitely won´t be able to share with you everything that´s been happening in Lilycott since my last post, but I´ll try and cover the most important things. Hope you all enjoy!!


So I´m not exactly sure where to, um, start. In my last post (almost two years ago, yikes!) I included some pictures about my Halloween, so I figured the New Year was a good place to start! Happy 2015 lol


I think this had honestly been my first active winter in New Leaf, and I loved everything about it!!


Although it´s not my favorite season based on how Lilycott looks, (I think my town looks best in bright spring colors :p ) I just couldn´t get enough of these auroras.

PS: Finally decided to start dressing my characters accordingly, it took me years but I think I´ve finally learned that winter means your character looks 10 times cuter with a beanie on.


I even celebrated Christmas for the first time in the series!


I also loved winter because it was such a productive season for me, I pretty much finished all PWPs I wanted for my town!


Which means I also got to sneak into Resetti´s secret lair 😉


And was able to get perfect town status!! WOHOOO


Shortly after winter my birthday arrives, and the celebration my neighbors had prepared for me was beyond cute!!


Okay I lied about the PWPs thing, but this well was (kind of) the last one!


Hehe, look at all of us just fishing!!


GUYS it´s a double rainbow… HOW?


Sigh, this is one of the last pictures I took with Kitty, my adorable cat neighbor who´s been with me since Wild World 😦 She moved away during one of my inactive months, and she was in a perfect spot in my town.

Anyway, I´ve been trying to get certain neighbors to move out for weeks because they´re right in the middle of my path. Once I figure out the whole house placement thingy I´ll definitely post a dream about my town and let you all know whenever I do 🙂


You didn´t think I could resist taking a picture of a black bunny just casually sleeping on a town bench, did you?


And this is honestly the last kinda important thing that´s worth mentioning, I completed my hybrid rose garden/parc thing, yay!!


And to end this post, I found this adorable picture of a tomboy-ish Jemma serving coffee :p


That´s it guys!! Hope you liked hearing from me again, heheh. If you really are interested in more regular updates about Lilycott, I´ve recently started updating my miiverse account whenever something cool is happening lol. Also, if anyone is up for visiting my town or opening their gates sometime, let me know so we can try and arrange something, I´ve been playing way too much (all by my self, snif snif) and I can´t wait to “see” some of you again!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have an amazing day 🙂 xx



Lilycott diaries- WiFi party, updates and Halloween!

Hello everyone! You might not remember me, since… well… it’s been about 6 months!!! And I honestly am extremely frustrated at my lack of focus, determination and enthusiasm. I have no excuse, really, I’ve even been playing Animal Crossing because I love it, but the posting part was a bit… absent.

Hope all of you have had a good 6 months and feel well about starting a new year! Even though nothing has really changed for me. Anyways, I should quit rambling already and show you what I’ve been doing! I hope you all enjoy!

Let’s start out with a couple fun times I had on a WiFi meeting with Amy, Choco and TeruAll their blogs are worth checking out!! And I’m so thankful for the friendship I have with them, it was so nice catching up with them! Actually, by now we should probably meet again, it’s been so long!! 😦


I think it was reeeeeally early for Amy, so we had a morning cup of coffee. Aren’t those mosaic paths so pretty? I’ve always been a fan of how Amy decorates Citàlune.

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Oh, don’t mind us, just having a cup of tea!


I love this picture of the four of us! We all have our eyes closed and Amy’s balloon matches her dress and all the green!


As you can see, we have a bunch of incredible abilities, such as playing instruments and singing! 😆


I felt like an absolute goddess in this chair!


And I believe this was in Teru’s town, Arcadia, she had this simple but incredibly cool room, I’m a sucker for fun stuff like this! 😀


Arcadia has this naturally beautiful vibe to it, all the flowers, the red and the way it’s organized just make you gasp! So pretty!! 😀

HNI_0002HNI_0004Choco went straight to the fun! She showed me how to do the net trick to get into the river!! 😀


Another great group picture of us! This time in Choco’s town, Delltune!



Such a new town and it already was full of beautiful places, I hope Delltune is doing well, Choco!

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And our last stop was my town, Lilycott! I was very sorry that I didn’t have much time to show them around and the only pictures I took were these two >.<  I had a wonderful time with all of you and hope to be able to meet you all again!! Lilycott looks quite different now, and will always welcome my Animal Crossing buddies!

Say what? Oh, you’re curious to see just how Lilycott has been evolving? Keep scrolling!


My little red carnation garden! 🙂 It actually looks a lot better in winter >.<

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Just a couple pictures:)


What are you doing here?!?


Serving coffee! This is actually my life long dream hahaha, I can’t wait to go to college and be a waitress somewhere in the US to pay for rent, although it might sound dumb 😛


I remember Teru and I had a small talk about trains in Animal Crossing, she mentioned that she’s a tiiiiny bit faster than the train when she gets a perfect race, ever since I’m always trying to beat it! 😀


This is an old picture of a second “resident area” in my town, it looks a bit awkward but, currently, it’s actually looking quite nice!


The closest to a perfect rating I’ve ever got, but Isabelle always says I need more PWPs even though I am over the minimum of ten, is this some glitch?


I changed the colors of my path a bit to match autumn better:)


PS: This flower/pattern path actually leads up to houses, but I don’t have any pictures of it yet!




And clubbing as a zombie! 😆


Aww, yay!


Works well enough for me!

And that’s all I’m showing you today, I should post soon with the pictures I took on New Years eve and these January days, couldn’t fit it in this post since it was getting long enough, sorry! I really wish you’re all doing well! Even though Holiday season is pretty much over, hope you had fun! Happy 2015, and I just wanted to say that you can’t choose for things to get better, but you can choose to smile more, I’ll try it as well! So I hope you’ve smiled during this post.

See ya’ later alligators, very soon racoons! 🙂


Lilycott diaries- Layout mishaps and sitting on my tree!!

Mixed emotions… mix thirty billion emotions in a bowl and the result will be Lilycott 😛

Hello!! Hopefully this won’t be too long, since I don’t have to many recent pictures, but I still have a couple past ones to show, we’ll see!

On to the post!!


Let’s start off with some happy news, Winnie is moving!! It’s not that I don’t like her, I actually think she’s really cute and I like her lime green house (background of picture), but it’s where she was that really was bothering me, I planned on having a café there, and then realized it was just a terrible idea to place anything there, because no matter what I did it forced me to turn my path in an awkward way.


And more happy news: T.I.Y opened up!! I have to say, though, I was most excited because that means the flower shop’s stock got expanded.

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I can’t get over his cuteness.


Any I think I’m finally finished with my “fruit salad” area, I managed to fit every type of fruit with a bench looking by the cliff 😀


I couldn’t believe this, I can finally sit on my tree!! YAAAAAAAYY!! And I totally wasn’t expecting a -History of Lilycott- to show up!

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Katie decided to visit, this time she wasn’t a crying lost kitty looking for her mom, she was just looking for adventure in other towns!


Sadly no friends were online to bring her over, but I coincidentally fell into this pitfall trap and she got worried! Aww


Look how pretty it is! Arrg, if I could just place this in town, it’s gorgeous!



I decided that a rack of rice would look convenient in my farm area, currently it’s surrounded by perfect peach trees and it looks quite good! 🙂


But- Winnie- no- I, I didn’t- what? why?



I am aware that all these flowers aren’t the same type (some are lilies and some are violets) but they I always though they looked similar, and don’t purple violets look like hybrids? 😛



I actually saw this in action and it lit up and was sooo cool! But I was too cheap to buy it, hehe.


Oh don’t mind me, just casually watering red carnations my dad sent me.


Noooooooooooooooo 😦

Summer solstice!

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Yes, sir!


Everyone has nets, but I have… *dun dun dun* a silver net!







She didn’t mention they protected from mosquitoes, did she?




Heheh, I like imagining the fact that Leif walks around my town, early in the morning when no one sees him.


Oh the fact that the sun was still shining was kinda weird.


Aww, she kinda sounds like me!! I’ve got reeeeeaaally pale skin, so the sun ain’t no friend of mine…



Daylight club lights!



Finally was able to breed a pink tulip, man for some reason these are really hard!!



Having fun with a megaphone >:)


What? But she said it was almost perfect, and I- I… awww noo! The only reasonable explanation is that the rice rack lowered the rating? I even counted my trees…


I decided to be brave and build a permanent PWP, I built the Reset Surveillance Center in a corner of town, where I didn’t really have much planned, and it’s kind of an alienated zone of town (not to mention with a rock in the middle of it), so I don’t think I’ll mind a space being occupied by it 🙂

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Awee, for once he’s being nice! He better be, I’m the mayor!! 


Give it to me!



Hoping for dandelion puffs to spawn…


I’m not sure if she says this every time, but she just described a spot in Lilycott…


Deciding placed for the placement of the cafe (any suggestions are welcome!), so far I still haven’t decided so I cancelled the project.


I don’t think I’ll be able to pay them all off, I think I won’t even build a back room, and I’ll design a bathroom just to have an excuse to keep a room small 😛


Jemma’s bed hair! ^^


Why did you have to request the ugly one?

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There was a weird lighting situation going on, at first I though it was some special sunset, as Amy says, but the sky was rather cloudy… doesn’t matter, it was still pretty! ^^


Aww, cute! Graham decided to call me “my friend” in french!


I also set up a new suspension bridge to lead to my beach area of town, my other bridges will be brick ones, but I though that having a wooden bridge would help complement the beach theme.


A little path to lead up to it! ^^


And ugh, this was the curve I was telling you about, however…


Winnie moved after all! Which at first I thought was amazing news since I could finally straighten up my path, but look at that massive dirt path that was left!! I’m going to need some serious grass-rehab methods! 😦


It got a little better… and then it got much worse and we were back to having a HUGE loss of grass!


And just in case that wasn’t enough bad news, a ROCK was completely in my way! And not just in a way that could be hidden with a tree or something, it was right where my corner would go…


So, I had to remove all my paths up to my house just to reveal more dirt paths, I don’t like this… I don’t like this one bit!

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And this is the result -.- I couldn’t even pick up the flowers at that moment because my pockets were full, but there are better pictures further down this post.


However this hippie-ish random flower placement doesn’t look that bad 😛


I’m still not sure how I’ll connect the town tree with the main path, I wasn’t expecting to have a random corner popping out, but I’m sure I’ll be able to work something out.

Next day (after the chaos, haha)


I was feeling happy! 😛


I added more seashells to reach my, now further north, main path.


And this is what it looks like after the proper flower placements! I think it’ll be worth it!


… once I fix THIS.


 Ariadna out, as well!! (Bye, bye! Have a great day!)


Lilycott diaries- WiFi fun, rainbow roses and almost perfect town??

Wohooo first day of summer vacations!! FINALLY! I’ll hopefully be able to post a lot more often and work on my town a lot more now! I’m very excited!

Hope everyone who has already started had a wonderful summer and good luck on the new school year. And to those of us on vacation, happy summer!! 😀 Now onto the post…

I decided to call these following updates on my town Lilycott diaries. Since my previous ones were explaining my first month in Lilycott, these next ones could be more entitled to getting a perfect town, the layout of Lilycott… I don’t know, I guess we can try 😛

Oh wait… and ugh my posts get sooooo long, sorry guys!

Wait, wait, sorry one last thing: the almost perfect town is a bit of an exaggeration :mrgreen:


Let’s start off with the celebration of the town fountain! ^^ My idea is to plant orange and pink tulips all around it, kinda creating a nice sunset-ish garden right at the entrance of town!


I had to redo a side of my three-space wide path, so it would look symmetrical, and while cutting down trees I came across a special tree stump.


Swimming in the moonlight 😀


Graham told me he was going to move for the 2nd time, and the first time I had said he should move because his house was in the way of my path, however the second time he asked I didn’t have the heart to say yes 😦


Slowly building my forest…


And placing a bench in next to my fruit tree “forest” next to a cliff. I’ve been working quite a lot on the left side of town, but my right side is almost bald, haha.


And I believe this was my second silver slingshot flying around town, bu now I have about 5 of them, so if anyone needs them…


Some progress made on my island, and a purple pansy! Choco was asking me how I got it, in my experience, it just showed up with the blue pansies, however google says red+red make a purple hybrid…?


Why hello, Gulliver.


We are to globs in the water, wait… we who?


Choco came to visit!! Or shall I say Mr. Chocolate, I wish I could grow such a mustache!


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I showed her around my treasure island and we moved onto swimming and getting stung by so many jellyfish. 

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Our attempts at jumping off at the same time :mrgreen:


Choco has recently started her newest town, Delltune, and she told me how much she misses peaches as native fruit, so I let her take a couple ones!! (she really helps me out later, too!)


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She was not kidding when she said she was going to do some shopping, she whipped clean the stores!! 😀


She even bought some fortune cookies, for us to eat!


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We then decided I should visit her town, which has a beautiful town flag! o.o and I forgot to take pictures of it, but the entrance was decorated beautifully with chocolate-themed patterns ^^.


Coincidentally matching umbrellas!


And jumping off cliffs! I love seeing how beaches are shaped in so many towns, my town only has a tiny little cliff that you can actually jump off to the water from, so I love making the most of my swimming sessions in other towns 😛


Another shark!! I’m starting to believe sharks are much more common when WiFing, is that possible?


Again, we are to globs under water ^.^

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Hahah, I laughed so much here, we “discovered” than when wearing a wetsuit and pressing A while facing each other, it looks like you’re hugging!!


Choco showed me some beautiful artwork she had made, it actually explains a story, can you guess what it says? Tiny disclaimer: it is a sad story 😦


It took me a while to realize what Choco was doing at this time, she later told me she was building a maze! At first I was filling up all the holes >.<


Awee, Kapp’n, traveling with you is always a pleasure.

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We mostly played mini games on the island, they are soooo much more fun with a companion!!

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Heheh, I won that one, Choco!

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Can you just see our faces of joy? We couldn’t stop winning! We are the BEST PLAYERS EVAAAAA


… remember what I said about being the best players?


But we couldn’t accept a loss, so we decided to play memory again! However Choco’s internet got cut off, and I literally was in that same position for like a minute, the hole time I was saying stuff like “uh, Choco?” “HELP!” “I think I’m stuck”


After that tiny incident, she came back to visit Lilycott, to see K.K perform at my Club!


While waiting until 8pm we played some hide and seek.


And I discovered that my museum actually sells silver tools! Woot!

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Do you think she sees me?


Spoiling my town tree… :3

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And clubbing like we were born for it! 😛

Thanks for visiting, Choco, I had a wonderful time!



Yay! My first mushroom!


Celebrating the town’s new bench and…


GAH swimming with sharks!


And this shall be the placement of the new fence I’ll put up!


Oh my goooood!! I seriously freaked out when I read this, do you understand what this means? Perfect town, here I come!!! (It’s not perfect, but I can’t believe I’m so close to it!)

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Just playing a humble game of hide-and-seek ^^

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And some more online meetings! I got to visit the lovely Delltune again, here’s the entrace I was talking about! (It’s kinda like chocolate, isn’t it?)


Teru was also there, and she gave us both lots of hybrid roses, beautiful!


I had brought over some fossils and gems to help Choco with her collection, but I felt bad that I didn’t have anything for Teru!


Another shark!


And another game of hide-and-seek, can you believe we’re all behind a house right now? It was Teru’s genius hiding place!

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We then made time to visit my town, Lilycott.


And they both benefited from having Joan there, since my town is a day later than real time (yes, I time traveled… but only 24h!)

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They both very kindly helped out with the donations of the fence, I kinda felt bad, thanks so much, guys!!


Heheh, we were waiting to see if Amy would show up, and a friend went online so I got my hopes up! 😛

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Playing around my stump!


And Teru realized it was in an inconvenient place, so since she has a silver axe, she cut a new one in a better place, thank you!!


Ahahah, in this picture it looks like we’re waiting in line to buy turnips, I hope you’re happy with your customers, Joan!


Before Teru left, I asked if I could show her one of my favorite spots in town, the treasure island/secret garden, you have to swim to be able to get there, (see my map here), so I lend her my wetsuit and told her where to go 😛

She told me about a pansy that looked like it was glitched, I never had realized that! It’s like the cliff eats off a part of it! Heheh.

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She then had to leave, good bye Teru, thanks for coming!


And when I came back… HOLY GUACAMOLE! Choco said she had spend over 600K on turnips!!

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What she said.


Remembering old memories, aaah, good times!

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Racing and… you guessed it, getting stung by jellyfish!

Choco then also had to leave, I had a wonderful time!



Yay!! Look how pretty they look!! 😀


And sporting my new fav hat! ^^


Hahah, I probably would’ve bought this in my Wild World town, but not here, I’m the mayor; people expect me to be wise! 😛


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o.o what’s this? A BALD SPOT IN TOWN?


And thanks to the tip I heard Teru mention in her last post, I caught my first bee! (second try). I remember how much I struggled to catch one of these in Wild World, in New Leaf it was actually a lot easier!

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Awee, how could I not give my favorite cereal (get it? ’cause of Golden Grahams, and his name is Graham… hahah, oh) a perfect peach?

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Hey look, Kapp’n looks asleep!!


Woo! Villagers have started to recognize the Beautiful Town ordinance in Lilycott!



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Sorry, I had to, I was crying of laughter every time my character fell.

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Yay!! Leif announced that, with the opening of T.I.Y he will be expanding his shop!!

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I attended Roscoe’s birthday party, I love how they announce them on the bulletin board, so I don’t forget 😛

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This was too cute to not to take a picture of it.


New PWP requests!


And celebrating the new fence in Lilycott!


Graham also recognizing the ordinance (I promise this is almost the end, just a couple more pictures).


And awww I caught Dizzy watering flowers! Good elephant!!


Every time I see the train pass by I get excited and try to chase it, this is still pretty new to me!


I love the afternoon talks I had with Choco every now and then!


How was I supposed to not take a picture of this?

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Blah, swallowed some sand.

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But to cheer myself up a bit I topped everything off with some midnight clubbing (actually 9pm clubbing, tomorrow was a school night :mrgreen: )

EDIT: If Teru, Amy and Choco read this: would you guys like to arrange a WiFi, all four of us? I’m going to be free pretty much all day except on certain days/weeks (like next week, for example, I’ll only have afternoon) but when would you guys be available? I’m sooooo excited to meet you all again, and reunite “the gang” heheh.  


First month (and a couple days) in Lilycott

So…  I forgot my own town’s 1 month anniversary, actually I’m not even sure if that’s a thing, but anyways (… I never know how to start out my posts) let me update you on what’s been going on! Currently (June 9th) it’s my 44th day in Lilycott, but these pictures aren’t the latest ones I have, so I’m telling you what happened until about a week before… does that make sense? Hahah, I had to cut the post if I didn’t want it to be extremely long. So anyways, enjoy!

One other quick thing, so I’m going to quickly run through a couple pictures that are preeeetty old, just to show you what happened on those days, and then I’ll move onto more recent happenings.


My store remodeled to Super T&T (this was the last day it was open, from T&T Mart)


Cyrus decided to finally wake up, I don’t think I’ll use his service too much, but it’s nice to not hear snoring at the back of the shop 😛


And Shampoodle opened!! In this game it’s right above the Able Sisters, and it adds such a nice spring feeling to the main street with it’s color being mint green.


I was a bit scared to get a new look as a mayor just yet, so Luna went in as an experiment, hahah. I think the look she got actually fits her personality well, I’m loving the color!

And onto recent updates…


I think I understand now how these DLC come from, it’s one for each Zodiac Sign!


The Fishing Tourney was on, and it was my first one in New Leaf! It was harder than I thought, actually.


Still, I managed to get 2nd place, yay! And what’s best: Dizzy and Hamlet were the other winners!


I have to admit I’ve been reeeeeeeeally slow growing hybrids, they just don’t spawn too much, this was one of the luckiest days I’ve had, and there’s still only two, I don’t like the idea that you have to water every single flower if you want new ones to spawn, at least before you only needed to water wilted ones.


Yaaaay! Super T&T opened, I love the supermarket-ish feeling it has, I missed it!


I then changed Ariadna’s hairstyle to my “signature look” (not really, I just always wear ponytails)

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I’ve also been experimenting with patterns quite a lot, on the left image I was trying to match the ground as close as I could (using a spaced brick pattern from Amy) it ended in me giving up, since I just didn’t have enough pattern slots in the first place to add a hole new path (given this design needed actually needs 12 slots). It’s a shame, I love the pastel blue bricks!


… Gaaarrgg uioafaghj I can’t imagine myself holding that in real life!


A picture of Kappn’s wise quotes 😛


I forget what I was trying to show you guys here, I think I was just happy with how my path looks in bright sunlight!




Aww, cute! Graham asked me to bury a time capsule, I’m not sure what happens next, after you bury it, but I was happy to do so!


There’s still a loooong way to go to actually pay it off completely, though 😦


I payed off the museum renovation!


And the next day, my house looked crooked, hahaha.

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I was sure excited for this! The second floor will be great to host WiFi parties and such! ^^

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I really enjoy gaining new emotions day by day! My pictures were getting a bit boring without my character doing anything in them 😛


Aww, Muffy moved away! I felt bad, I really liked her!


I’m slowly trying to raise my account balance at a million, but with everything I have to pay off, by now it’s back at 500K



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I “discovered” something really cool: when you show an emotion in front of a villager, they also do! I went a bit overboard with the pictures, though. 😛


Yes, yes and yes!! Haha I actually don’t think I’ll ever place a police station in town, but this was my first ever Public Works Project request!


And right afterwords Isabelle told me about a Dream Suite, yay!



By this point, I still didn’t have a wetsuit, something crucial enough if you want to gain more PWP requests, so here I am trying to gain medals…




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Pascal came by, it was a bit disturbing to be honest… 😛


And so did Pete! I kinda miss shooting him out of the sky, hahaha.


*Sorry, you’ll be seeing me in a wetsuit in plenty of images*


I started planting blue pansies all over my tiny island, it’s become one of my favorite spots in town, since you can only access it by swimming (also one of the reasons I really wanted a wetsuit)


He’s beginning to sound like Katrina…


Aww, and thanks to Graham I now have pears in my town!


*Splash* 😀


I planted palm trees all over the beach, one of them didn’t grow 😦


Yay!! It’s Hamlet’s birthday!!

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Winnie was also there, and it was cutely decorated!


I also made Luna go to his party, since he’s one of my favorite neighbors!


More pattern experiments, this time around the tree. This was supposed to be water behind a class of some sort, I thought it wasn’t that bad at first, but after days went by I ended up hating it 😛 So by now it’s removed.


The sign was easier to blend in the stone pavement than I thought 🙂


Jemma’s first emotion ^^


So I finally set up the 3 square wide main path, which mainly goes from the train station to main street and the town hall.

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K.K Slider came to visit! ^.^


And I admired another evening in Lilycott

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And Saharah came to visit with a very elevated price… what happened to me helping her in exchange for an exclusive wallpaper/flooring? 😦


Ufff… Roscoe’s home was so close to ruining my path, although it’s not an ideal spot either…


Matching umbrellas ^-^


You don’t say?


Aww, look how pretty purple roses are!


On the first of June, fireflies were in the air! 😀


And mosquitoes too…








For some reason I’m able to catch all the sharks I see on the island and never have caught a single one back in town 😛


I kinda disliked the way the three-wide path looked so huge when in comparison to the 2 square one, so I added this blue rose pattern to see if it could reduce the visual difference in size. (I later switched the blue roses for pink ones, so they would stand out more against the green grass)

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Woohoo, another project I probably won’t use in my town, but who knows, it could look good in my magical forest zone in town.


Okay, this is sort of random, but at nighttime instead of a yellow bird you get an own on top of the Bulletin Board.

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Whew, one room less to pay off!


And I shall end this post with a picture of me dreaming… 🙂


Possible layout of Lilycott + Help?

Hi there! Long time no talk, well let me very quickly explain: school is ending and I was studying for finals. Now back onto the post! So with the addition of the dream suite to my town (what? when? I’ve taken pictures that I’ll share in my next post along with a couple new additions to Lilycott!) I’ve been “dreaming” about a couple towns, and all of them looked so gorgeous! A couple of them were literally like a movie, it was paradise! It kind of made me realize, that I’ve never been quite “good” at playing Animal Crossing, I mean sure I love the game, but I don’t think I’ve been truly proud of the way my town looks. I’m not that great of an artist either, I like numbers, but give me a blank canvas and I’ll draw a smiley face :mrgreen: But my only goal here is to create something that I really like, a town that I’m really proud of, I don’t expect to have a super amazing town, but that won’t frustrate me either… I feel like I’m not making any sense. Anyway, I just want to decorate Lilycott to the best of my abilities, and have fun doing so! (Maybe get a perfect town along the way? Isabelle still says Lilycott needs more development…)

So I sort of planned out a future layout for my town, it’s not too elaborate and it’s missing a lot of stuff, such as where/which trees to plant on each section, flowers… But I think it’s generally all there, although I need your help! Be critical, I know I’m not great at this and that’s why I need advice; if you see anything that you do not like, would you mind telling me? It could be we just have different opinions, but stuff such as where to place a fountain (or where NOT to place it), how my paths should go, especially regarding villager houses, ideas and suggestions… just about any criticism I can get. Thank you so much!!! And I guess I should now show you the map:

zlCfzSArE8I0Q4meS5This is about an hour of work on Microsoft Paint, so I understand somethings could not be clear (click on the image to expand). You may have to hunt for a couple things, such as the possibly future caffé spot (right side of river, center of town) and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! 🙂

Once again, thank you guys!! Any help will be much appreciated!


Is it my second, or third week?

Hey there! Sorry I missed posting last Friday, I’m trying to keep up with a set schedule but last weekend was impossible to post. So I’ll be publishing 2 updates this week, one today and the second one this Friday. 🙂 Hope you can understand!

I am also quite stoked by the fact that it’s already been a bit more than 3 weeks since I first got the game, time flies! And also makes me feel unproductive… hahah. Anyways, wish you enjoy!

For any Wild World gamers: I can’t believe it, it’s the 21st of May, and WiFi is completely shut down now… I’m actually quite sad, does anyone want to join into mutual sadness for never WiFying again in Wild World? Aww, well I am so thankful for all the parties/meetings I was able to have with everyone, it truly was one of my favorite parts about the game… thank you!! ^^

Warning: This is a very long and picture heavy post, since I wan’t able to publish last Friday. If you get bored halfway, there’s no pressure to read it all 😛


I started off the day laying down a sketch of approximately where I wanted my paths to go, right now they were just blank (actually baby blue with turquoise lining 😛 ) and linked all the main buildings in my town, but I planned on making secondary paths, obviously editing these ones, and redirecting them a bit.

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And I was able to pay off my house completely ^^, now I just have the option to add/enlarge rooms.

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And with my several trips to the island I brought back some fruit and planted it, yay! Oh and I also planted a golden peach…

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Yay! I absolutely love seeing this in my main street, finally Nook’s store upgraded, and there’s a new mystery shop o.o

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I managed to get my hands on some interesting catches!! I was never able to catch a sunfish in Wild World, so I was very excited!


Walking along my path with a neighbor hehe.


Gulliver came and I managed to get a shot of both of us walking, heheh. We look like an awkward couple or something.


At night, I attempted (and failed) to crate a path design many times, and ended up giving it a rest, I’m no good 😛


But Flip cheered me up! Aww neighbors are so supportive in New Leaf!

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Full moon shots *.*


And a graffiti of myself using the 3DS camera app… I was bored.

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The shoe- *cough cough* I mean store I’ve absolutely never heard about is still under construction, but the T&T Mart opened!!



Yay! I finally get more object space, a cleaner look, wallpaper and flooring, tools…

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I decided to finally sign the Beautiful town ordinance, it was so tempting! Did you read that? Flowers live F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Yipeee!!


I must say, my fossil collection is advancing quite fast, most of the ones I give Blathers to assess  anymore are usually already on display 🙂


And I finally got a QR code-reading-sewing thingy majiggy, yay!


So I scanned this pattern I found on tumblr. I think it’s absolutely gorgeous, but I couldn’t stand the fact that I can’t edit it to change the through seasons, vary the design a bit… to be honest I kind of felt bad it wasn’t made by me or personalized in any way. I guess what I’m saying is ugly original patterns over beautiful patterns, hahahah.


I loved the layout of the pattern so I tried my best to create an exact replica of the border and squares in it. And that grumpy face is because I failed at it. Hahah, how many times have I said that in this post?

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However, moving at a very slow pace, I was able to get a pretty close match…


Present-catching break! Woo!


And jumping on walls 😛

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I finally ended up with this design, which I’m quite happy with since I did do it on my own basing myself off the one I found on tumblr. What do you guys think?


Hahahah, oh I love this megaphone tool, I haven’t found any actual good use to it, but it seems like if you shout the name of a villager they do the “surprise!” emotion.


I’ve read a lot about “dream neighbors” that everyone has for their town, to be honest I’m not even sure how the hole trading goes or how you get to choose them, but one of the greatest things I find in Animal Crossing is just how real it is… does that make any sense? Hahah, I like not being able to predict what will happen but at the same time I can make it my ideal world. I’m not quite sure where I’m going with this but I love Dizzy’s cute personality, and I wouldn’t want him to move, so I’m glad I could convince him to stay, even though he isn’t a “dream villager” of mine… I just contradicted myself. Oops.

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It was my first time swimming at night in the game, I had a ton of fun! But I freaked out a bit when I saw my character holding a lobster with her bare hands… eeek!! I guess it’s no worse than a shark, hahah.

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I was literally screaming of joy when Dr. Shrunk came to my town! Yay! He wanted to open up a club in town, which most of you probably already know, heheh.





And the neighbors were all suuuuuper supportive, just like when I first moved into town!


I finally established an ordinance in my town. I was pretty sure I wanted to go for the Beautiful Town one, but there were very tempting ones as well, such as the Wealthy Ordinance or the Night Owl. Basically my town grows less weeds, flowers don’t die and are more likely to produce hybrids, and all these other great benefits!


So I was making some progress, but the Shoe store was under construction for days! 😦 (I know, I can be quite impatient)

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Lyle, Tom Nook and I had a rather interesting chat…

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And yipee!! Kicks finally opened! I must say, I’m as addicted to shoes in the game, as I am in real life hahah.


During Amy’s last Wild World WiFi meetings, she gave me a super toilet, and actually told me that in New Leaf you can make it gold! I couldn’t resist buying it, I will treasure it and somehow find a way to make it fit into some room of mine. Amy if you’re reading this, thank you and hiiii!!


Woot, woot!


I had just seen the future structure I want my house to have, I think it’s called a modern mansion? What better house for a mayor?


I find some of the hats Labelle sells quite hilarious. I love it!


And I had absolutely no idea you could actually fish in the main street pond, I guess fish never really shows up anyway 😛


And I now have two balloon lamps! I find the balloon collection very fun and playful, and my collection of it is growing fast 🙂

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Yipee!! I think this was my last payment, I’m now left with the option of expanding and/or adding rooms.


I’ve been trying my best not to leave my account at less than half a million, I know that if I allowed myself to do so, I’d probably be left with only a couple thousand bells heheh.

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And I decided it was time for a new character, her name is Luna, and I loved her arrival. She’s also got green eyes, which are my favorite ones in Animal Crossing and ginger hair!


I located her house right besides the beach, and out of all three houses I chose the location of in my town, I think this is my favorite!


Aww I encountered Dizzy at the beach, which doesn’t happen too often.


I also got sent a card set from the bank 😀

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And with the fruits I brought back from the island I planted a couple trees to add more fruits to my town!


And I finally planted the famous perfect peach 🙂


Like I said before :3


Is it possible that flying presents are a lot more common than in Wild World? Yay!


And I made all my characters buy something from Redd’s tent when he came to town.


Woah, expensive 😦


I got a shot of the train passing by!


And Luna was able to pay the 10,000 bells to actually move into a house, heheh. I must admit my mayor is the character I play with the most with a difference.


My balloon room so far ^^ (and a random fridge and super toilet hahah)


I finally donated something for the art exhibition, so…

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Blathers asked me to renovate the museum!!


I agreed undoubtedly, and it was actually cheaper than I imagined!


Aww, how could I resist?


Jemma, from my Wild World town, wore this dress for a long time, so for old times sake;)


Seriously, I LOVE these funky hats.


My flowery-surrounded path 🙂 I’m really working on hybrids now, and finishing the path renovations (the colorful one you see right at the entrance of my house is the one I’m aiming for).


I also bough some summer sandals, which I think would be very appropriate with the nice weather.


I mustn’t allow Hamlet to leave… I just couldn’t!!



Having fun at home 😆


My second hybrid in Lilycott, a pink rose; I absolutely love these! I’m thinking (despite the fact that Valentine’s day is long gone) of doing a love garden or something, I’ll have to try and design some patterns that would look nice and romantic and breed tons of pink and white roses. What do you think of the idea?


Already being productive, I’m proud of myself :’) (not really, hahah)

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I put Luna in charge of making my town beautiful, and assigned a corner of my town to hybrid production.


Oh my gosh… look at that sassy walk! I laughed so much!


The painting Luna bought from Redd was fake, and so was Jemma’s… pfff there go 6,000 bells.


Even Reese recognized it as such!

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You can’t tell it’s fake in a room, can you?


…I couldn’t resist myself


I’m actually quite fond of the tent at the corner of my town, I’m aware that I should just pay the 10,000 bells, but for now it looks nice, I think.

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Aww nights in New Leaf are really just gorgeous.


Slowly… 😀


I can’t get a single neighbor to sit with me… *snif, snif*


And finally a slingshot!


Also something I was rather impatient for; the opening of Club LOL!

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Shake, shake, shake that booty!

Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you have enjoyed this, and until… actually until tomorrow I guess 😛


Last days of April + Beginning of May

It feels weird uploading pictures of days that have already happened, even weeks ago, since I preferred to keep the length of my latest post (before this one) medium-ish? I’m still trying to get used to blogging about New Leaf, and my town just about looks like a bit of a disaster, and I haven’t really done anything about it. Bare with me! 🙂


This was my first time vising Katrina’s tent, it’s much wider and…

I was so surprised when I saw this! The place illuminates and it looks gorgeous! She also said she sees disaster upon relationships, something I had already guessed by now 😛


And this is what the new shop I mentioned in my last post turned out to be!


A cute little flower shop run by this A-DO-RA-BLE guy, Leif!! Seriously, how cute is he?


Aww, don’t worry, Lucy!


I won my first game of hide-and-seek 😀

I actually fell asleep with my Nintendo on and woke up to this screen!


Hahahah, oh Dizzy.


First time heading up to the island!


Flattering… I think.


First sight!


And a shark!


I wasn’t sure if the jellyfish were good or bad, so I touched it on purpose… it’s bad guys, it stings…


Leila is so cute! And even though she only pays you 5% of the actual price, it’s a nice way to get rid of none-important catches.




This was my first shark ever caught in New Leaf!


And so I headed back to donate first-time catches to the museum. And get ready for midnight beetle attack >:D


The museum was all pretty, and lighted up!


And so was my arrival at the island #2


Yes! It’s amazing how much easier I find making money in New Leaf, especially with Choco’s  tip about catching beetles on the island at night (read more about that here)

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Yipeee, caught a couple rare ones! 😀


Phineas came and gave me the Insect Maniac badge and the Fish Maniac one! 🙂


What’d I tell you about? :3


I think my friendship with Sable is pretty much complete, she is so sweet once you get to talk to her!


New neighbor!


Yay! This means my town will finally have bushes!


I caught my first flying present, with no slingshot with Teru’s tip. You just need to wait until it gets to the cliff and hit it with any regular tool!


And what was inside you ask? A balloon lamp!


I visited Winnie’s house, it looked very cozy and familiar. I caught her waving at me! ^^

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First rainy day, and changes of lighting!


You could almost confuse me for a flower, heheh.


Aww and look: I forget his name… but he’s wearing a raincoat!

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Look, a black tulip!! I think this is my first ever hybrid! 😀


Renovations, woot woot!


Hahah, that’s quite a funky looking hat!


That Kiwi hat doe… hahah


And so I payed off my next home payment, and I’ll be getting a second floor!

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And so far this is how my room looks like, based on whatever goodies I was given by neighbors or I bought. It’s pretty basic and there’s no real theme to it, but I still like it, for now.

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Baby talkin’ 😀


So that’s it! I feel like this post is very long, and maybe got somewhat boring… still hope you enjoyed it though, I’m hoping practice will teach me 😀 Well, there you have it! Thank you for reading and hope you have a great day!


Second days in Lilycott

Hello, everyone!! If were wanting to check out how my town is doing, you’re in luck! Keep on reading… Also, quick disclaimer, this post is quite long and picture heavy, I hope you still enjoy it though!HNI_0073My new character, Jemma ^^ I think the train also looks quite interesting.


And this is where I decided to locate her house, it’s right at the edge of the town, by the train tracks.


I like her flushed cheeks 😀


And back to Ariadna, she’s broke so I decided to catch some fish/bugs and try and make some money. Also look at those creepy mantis, one on each side. It looks like they’re going to attack!





Running by the beach


Catches of the day 🙂


Hahah, I find being broke a bit funny, I’m still in that early game stage where 5,000 seems like a lot of bells.


I found this pretty spot in town, it’s nice and quiet.





Pretty night sky…


Geez, thanks.

HNI_0003The HH Showcase!! Still have no idea how it works, but it looks pretty, haha


Your wish is my command 😉


I’ve been saving up for any public projects I might need to do in the future, instead of just focusing on paying off my mortgage (which I pay off in the next post, hehe)


Picture of my desk, I though it was necessary since, you know… I’m the mayor 😎




Almost there…


I love Kitty’s regal room, and I was having a little too much fun with her bed, haha


My room so far, ugh I really dislike the tiny space, but the incoming light of the window at least looks nice.


Night shot #2, with waterfall.


Just a little bit more…


… Come ooooonnnn!!!





I was much happier than I look 😀


Bang! Right? Ah, Lyle, you haven’t changed one bit.


My first cherry tree in town 🙂


Fishing on a cliff o.o


Aww, she scares me a bit but she’s very cute!


Fishing with my new favorite neighbor, Hamlet!


Hahahah, this actually made me laugh.


Dizzy visiting my house. Despite the fact that it looks terrible she was very nice!


And Rizzo invited me to his house!!


… Scary.


Yaaaaay, bigger room!!!

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Hahahaha, if I had some money to spare I so would have bought this!

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It seems like there have really been some improvements in New Leaf in terms of WiFing, I like the fact that you have lockers in town and you can exchange messages with your best friends!! 😀 (If you’d like to add me, my FC is in my New Leaf page).

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Yay!! It seems like the island will be available tomorrow!


And I spot with my little eye a new shop coming soon!!

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How could I say no to this little guy?? Do you see how tiny he is?

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Aww, so many neighbors ask to visit your house, it’s really cute!

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I’m almost convinced they must not sell slingshots here, I haven’t seen wall paper/flooring either…

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Fishing in a waterfall, as you can expect, I caught nothing.

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Two sad neighbors and a present flying by 😀


Awww, star shaped smoke!



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Awww, Dizzy is adorable.



Blopeeers (in this case blooper)!!



Next stop: Lilycott!

Update: My Friend Code is 0791-3219-7111. Thank you!!

Hey guys!! I’m finally joining the fun, read along if you want to see my first day in Lilycott, my New Leaf town…


Voila! My new Nintendo 3DS XL (red and black, like my old one hehe)


And after a pleasant chat with Rovert, (in 3D he is soooo cute!) we’re now arriving at the station.


I feel famous 😀

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Aaah, the tree ceremony, all the neighbors are clapping and joyful, I love this picture!


And so this is the layout of my town, I wasn’t too picky about it, I originally wanted a river that went across my town, but I found myself liking this layout much more, I plan on having a busier part of town, where the town hall is, the train station… and a more natural part of town, with lots of flowers and the town’s tree. I also like the fact that it has a nice waterfall by the beach, but I wish it had a little more ponds. You can also see where I decided to place my house, I wish it was a little closer to the beach, I thought I was getting too close while walking with Nook, so that’s why I stopped there.


I couldn’t get a nicer view of the waterfall, sorry.


And the tent you start out with, hahah

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Isabelle is very helpful when you first start out, and hopefully she will continue to be! She even gave me a basket of cherries!! Oh, which reminds me, my town fruit are peaches, and I was okay with either peaches or cherries, so I’m very glad I now have both! 😀


A golden peach!! 😮 I think I’ll plant it and never shake the tree, since they die after a couple harvests.

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Meeting neighbors! ^^

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And exploring the town!


I love these certain spots where you can just sit and relax. Makes you want to go “aaaah”

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I definitely prefer the second house style, but the left one looks rather “beachy” and cute 😛

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Catching bugs and fishies to sell them >:D Actually, I ended up donating all of them and selling any “extra” ones I found, heheh. Oh and every single spot I dug up had a fossil in it, this definitely was not the case in Wild World!


And at this point I was a bit desperate for money, so I could…


It was only 10,000 bells!





I believe I can touch the sky!


Ouch, my back!




Move, you stupid tree!


Cha cha cha!

PS: Feel free to leave your Friend Codes in the comments below, so, when I figure out how, I’m able to add you guys in New Leaf. Little tips and tricks are also welcome, since I’m a newbie 😀 I’ll try and list my information once I figure it out in a post about Lilycott and also my page about New Leaf.